The Ultimate Tea to Heal Your Body, Mind & Spirit: Kacy’s Healing Tea Recipe

Kacy O'Brien
6 min readNov 17, 2023

You know when you find a recipe that lights your soul up and you just want to share it with the world — well here’s one I have been making for YEARS.

I drink it every single morning.

I make sure my husband has it in his to-go mug when he’s off to work. And if we’re sick — I double down and drink it as much as possible.

In fact, I give it to everyone around me. And they fall in love with it. I know you will too!

It’s called “Kacy’s Healing Tea”. It will transform your life forever. A cup of holistic, heart-felt goodness that will have your vitality soaring to a new level.

Let’s get into it! But first… a quick note:

**Please note: I am NOT a healthcare professional, all I share in this article is simply my OWN experience. It is up to you to do your own due diligence and see if these ingredients are a right fit for you. Please consult your healthcare practitioner if you are uncertain and trust your intuition as well.

The Main Ingredients — and why they matter

I’m kind of a nerd. I like to know why things are important, and how they make a difference for me. I’ve never been one to accept things at face value. Chances are — if you’re reading this, you’re probably very similar to me.

With that in mind, I want to briefly walk you through each ingredient of the recipe and give you a summary as to why it’s important and why it will change your life forever.

If you want to learn more about each go ahead and google it. Or in today’s world, ChatGPT can also be your friendly tea guide.

One more thing — each ingredient I add is organic. Yup, you heard me. I am an organic girl, and I like to consume organic things. Call me bougie I don’t care — but I don’t want to be feeding myself or my family pesticides. You can make your own choices, BUT I highly recommend buying organic ingredients for this recipe. They will last a long time, and make a huge difference for you.

Ground Turmeric

Turmeric is awesome for your body because it has a magical ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin is like a superhero that fights inflammation and acts as a powerful antioxidant. It helps your joints feel better, supports your heart, and even boosts your brain.

So, sipping on turmeric tea is like treating your body to a cozy health boost!

Ground Ginger

Ground ginger is a health superstar. It’s loaded with antioxidants, fights inflammation, aids digestion, and supports your immune system.

Plus, ginger has this knack for soothing an upset stomach and easing nausea, making it a go-to remedy for digestive troubles. It’s like a natural, tasty medicine that your body actually enjoys. So, whether you sprinkle it in your cooking or stir it into your tea, ginger is a small spice with big health benefits!

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is like the spicy superhero in your kitchen. Packed with capsaicin, it not only adds a kick to your dishes but also revs up your metabolism, helping you burn calories.

This fiery spice can also ease pain by blocking certain pain signals. So, when you sprinkle a bit of cayenne into your meals, you’re not just adding flavor — you’re giving your body a zesty boost with some surprising health perks. Just be ready for that spicy wake-up call!

Cayenne pepper isn’t just about heat; it’s like a flavor conductor that enhances the symphony of other ingredients.

The capsaicin in cayenne helps to elevate and intensify the flavors in a dish, creating a richer taste experience. It’s like a culinary amplifier, bringing out the best in everything it touches. So, when you sprinkle a pinch of cayenne into your recipes, you’re not just adding spice — you’re turning up the volume on the entire flavor profile, making each bite more vibrant and memorable.

You can tell, I love my cayenne pepper. 🌶️😍

Moringa Leaf Powder

Moringa is a super nutritious plant that’s often referred to as the “drumstick tree” or “miracle tree.”

lmost all parts of the moringa plant are edible and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The leaves, in particular, are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and potassium.

Moringa is known for its potential health benefits, including boosting energy, supporting immune function, and acting as an anti-inflammatory. It’s often consumed in various forms, such as powder or capsules, and is a popular ingredient in smoothies, teas, and traditional medicine in some cultures.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It’s been used for centuries for various culinary and health purposes. The fermentation process involves converting the sugars in apples into acetic acid, the main active component of vinegar.

It’s really potent, pungent and drinking it on its own is so gross.

I remember in University, one of friends had me try a shot of it for the first time in my life. I almost puked. It was GROSS.

But, here’s what you need to know about it in relation to the healing tea. Because it’s mixed in with all these other delicious ingredients, it honestly ties everything together. And actually tastes really good.

It helps with weight loss, digestion, helps control blood sugar levels, and has some pretty powerful anti-microbial properties.

It’s incredibly powerful. It helps clear a lot of mucous and gunk from the body.

Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is like a health superhero! It’s got anti-inflammatory powers thanks to stuff like thymoquinone and loads of antioxidants that battle those nasty free radicals.

Plus, it’s a team player for your immune system, and some studies say it might help keep blood sugar levels in check, especially for folks with diabetes. People also swear by it for breathing issues and skin troubles like eczema.


Honey is more than just a sweet treat — it’s like a little jar of goodness. Packed with antioxidants, it helps your body fight off the bad stuff. Got a scratchy throat? Honey’s got your back; it’s like nature’s cough syrup, all soothing and sweet.

Plus, it’s been used for ages to heal wounds and make skin happy. Just remember, a little goes a long way.

Let’s put it all together

Okay, so now you understand all the health benefits of all the delicious ingredients.

Let’s see how the magic happens. Here’s the recipe:

Step 1: Grab your favorite mug.

Step 2: Put on some hot water to boil.

Step 3: Prepare all your ingredients in your favorite mug with these proportions:

These are the amounts I use. If you feel like it’s too much or too little of anything, feel free to play around and see what feels good for you. Some days, I want more ACV or some days I need less. But overall, trust yourself and your intuition.

This isn’t about following a rigid routine, it’s about finding your own unique creativity and flow with ingredients that nourish your body, mind and soul.

Step 4: Add in your freshly boiled hot water, stir and enjoy!

Final Thoughts

Once you get the hang of it, it will literally take you just a few minutes to create this cup of goodness.

Here are a few things that I do and wanted to share with you:

  • I will have a cup of this first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. It feels incredibly great!
  • I will also have this anytime I feel a scratchy throat, or any signs that could mean I am getting sick — I stop it in its tracks!
  • If I’m sick, I’ll have this multiple times a day
  • I will also have a cup before bed if I’m feeling particularly tired
  • The moringa can be really energizing so I usually just have that in my morning version, the night version doesn’t include the moringa
  • I have all my powdered ingredients in little labelled jars I bought at the dollar store, and I keep the measuring spoons right beside the jars so that all my ingredients are ready to go and easy to use. The last thing I want to do is reach into bags of powders in the morning. I want easy, efficient and quick.
  • At first, the taste might be really weird — but you’ll get used to it. Pretty soon, the health benefits mean more to you than the strange taste….lol

Try it and let me know!

Would love to hear your thoughts, questions, wins, failures and anything you discover about yourself along the way.

Sending you great love, and lots of healing!

- Kacy

Originally published at on November 17, 2023.



Kacy O'Brien

Loving Wife | Storyteller | Making Sense of this thing called "life"